Tuesday 29 January 2013

Lockscreen on Mac Book Air

Drag the cursor through the bottom left of
the screen. This can be defined in Hot Corners.
Since I got my MacBook Air about six months ago I've puzzled how I can lock the screen using the keyboard in a similar manner to the Windows lock screen (Windows button + L).

Extensive Googling revealed this is possible on MacBooks with a CD drive using a key combination plus the eject button. But as the MacBook Air doesn't have a CD and consequently no eject button, there is no lockscreen or sleep mode accessible from the keyboard. Even the Apple forum came up blank with lots of frustrated MacBook Air users having to select sleep from the Apple menu or just wait for the sleep timeout.

Until today. I was tapping away when the cat decided she wanted in on the fun. My hand scuffed the keyboard while diverting her mischievous paws and the MacBook went straight into sleep mode. Various attempts at recreating the hand scuff finally revealed that dragging the cursor down through the bottom left of the screen is what locks the screen.

Addendum: You define how the screen is locked from System Settings, Desktop and Screensaver, and from the Screensaver tab selecting Hot Corners. Mine was set to Sleep by dragging the cursor through the bottom left. Yours might be different or not configured yet. Don't think I ever knew Hot corners existed let alone having set it, so I'm assuming what I have is the default?


thoroddsson said...

I can't recreate the effect. What OS are you running?

Unknown said...

The latest v10.8.2. It's dragging down over the bottom left of the trackpad that does it.

duckman said...

you can set up hot corners in a mac too - i.e. when cursor is in the bottom left of the screen, perform an action - such as sleep, Chris McC

Unknown said...

Cheers duckman. I just realised that's what I was using. Not sure if I did it or what I have is the default. Ho hum.