Friday 17 May 2013

Review: Star Trek Into Darkness (Cinema)

In 2009 Star Trek got a franchise reboot, with young actors cast in the classic roles and a world tweaked a little from the original. The result was a standout story, performances and for me, one of the best cinematic experiences of the last decade.

Four years later we have the sequel: Into Darkness. James T. Kirk and his young crew are once more in trouble, having falsified the reports of a recent mission. The USS Enterprise is taken from Kirk and the crew re-assigned. When explosions start killing innocent people on earth a war council is convened and all hell breaks loose. Left with few options Kirk's crew are sent out to hunt down the guilty, known to be hiding in Klingon territory.

Into Darkness is an amazing cinematic experience with a stunning opening forty minutes that tilts its hat to the original series while displaying the same inventiveness we got from the first movie. The pace drops off slightly towards the middle although the actors keep it interesting. The end while spectacular, didn't for me, quite offer the emotional punch the beginning promised.

Two things stand out from Into the Darkness. The first is the quality of the writing and the depth of story. The second is the quality of the performances from the cast. Even during the middle section where we get a lot of exposition and the few improbable scenarios, we are fixated. Above all Zachary Quinto as Spock is mesmerising, holding our attention perhaps more than any other. Additionally the story cleverly contrasts Kirk's human qualities and weaknesses against the often stronger and wiser colleagues and opponents. I thought this was cleverly done, portraying a human bullish determination and making this much more of an ensemble over a Kirk centric action fest.

The fact the end falls just short of the first detracts little from a great night out to the cinema, or night in curled up on the sofa. Great entertainment.

I hope this was helpful.

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