Tuesday 21 May 2013

The biology of same sex rights

If you look at the world from a biological point of view, there are a lot of different things on this planet. The wonder of nature is it constantly changes and evolves.

If you strip away everything and look at the history of life on earth, the core function in life is to exist long enough to create life. It just happens that along the way we got civilised, got mortgages, jobs and a whole bunch of leisure pursuits to keep us sane. A by product of civilisation has been politics and religion. Until four hundred years ago the two were one and the same.

Ironically the beginning of the split between church and government stemmed from marriage, or at least the Catholic Pope's reluctance to grant the dissolvement of one. In return Henry VIII offered the Catholic church dissolution.

Fast forward to the present day, where granting the right of marriage to a small fraction of our number seems set to hurl society and our moral substance into the pits of hell. The fact same sex marriage is so hotly debated, once more spotlights religion's skewed views of humanity, and frightenly how much power it still wields.

We are all human. Our species is perpetuated by the union of male and female. The evolved biology of human makes this a natural consequence. Occasionally nature produces humans that do not have any biological impulses towards the other sex, sometimes they have no desire for any sex, some desire the same sex. This is a natural occurrence within nature.

All humans should be afforded equal rights. Isn't that what we've been striving for the last centuries? 

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